Basket Social / Craft Social - Saturday, November 2, 2024 Please note a new date and time, Saturday, November 2, 2024, from 9 am – 1 pm, has been designated for the basket social in the Family Center with an addition of a craft fair in the Fireplace Room. We welcome donations of NEW items and gift cards for the basket social. Baskets and cellophane wrap are available in the Memory Room for your convenience. If you wrap your own basket, please include a list of the items in the basket. If you prefer, we will do the wrapping for you. Wrapped baskets and donated items will be collected Sunday, September 1st - Sunday, October 13th in the Memory Room or drop off in Steph Derstine's office. Gift cards are to be placed in an envelope in the offering plate noted: BASKET SOCIAL. If you are a crafter, please consider participating in our craft fair the day of our basket social. Secure a table for $20. Applications for a table can be found in the literature racks in the foyer & Memory Room, or HERE. Doors will open in the Family Center at 9 am. Drawing will be at 1 pm. Winners will be notified by phone. Prizes may be picked up between 4 – 6 pm day of the raffle or Sunday, November 3rd from noon – 2 p.m. We will need donated baked goods and volunteers for a variety of positions. Please contact Darlene Wenhold at 610-737-0954 or [email protected] for additional details or questions.